November 15, 2011

Day 43 (Nov. 15)

It's taper time!

So, tonight instead of our usual pesky intervals, we just ran 3 miles. An easy 3 miles. And, I'm OK with that because it was stinking hot. And humid. I sweat. A lot. Boo!

If it could cool down or at least be less humid for the race, that would be awesome!

So, this taper thing isn't too bad. I didn't kill myself with intervals. I had an easy, enjoyable run. I got home from my training group early. Then, I relaxed with Chloe. You know, I didn't want to put any undue stress on my legs. And, she's the perfect taper week companion (well, she's pretty darn perfect any week).


  1. seriously what is with the humidity coming back! i know it won't be there in philly so at least this weekend I'll be set. good luck to you too!

  2. @Amanda - RunToTheFinish Ugh! I know! I thought it was fall. Good luck with your race this weekend!


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