August 10, 2011

A day of eating

Since I already write down what I eat, I figured I’d share that here. This is what I ate on Tuesday (a day I had a training run in the evening). I am by no means implying that I’m eating right. I’m trying to. I’m not sure that I am — especially in terms of fueling myself properly for a run. Our coach said we’d talk about nutrition in our group, so I’m looking forward to that. I think it will be interesting to see how his changes throughout the course of the training program.
Protein bar
Morning snacks
String cheese
Generic version of Lean Pocket
Green pepper
Carmel rice cakes (2)
Pre-run snack (eaten about 2 hours before running)
Oatmeal (1/2 cup) with almonds (15)
Post-run snack
Small strawberry-banana smoothie (one of the perks of my training group — a free smoothie after each weekday run)
Omelet (eggs, Chinese vegetable of some sort, curry powder) (Note: I’m not exactly sure how much I ate … bites of omelet but not an entire omelet. I’m also not even what the Chinese vegetable was. My boyfriend made it, so I was very happy to eat whatever he made)
Grilled zucchini (with olive oil and sea salt)
Baked tomatoes (with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic and Splenda)
Carrots (raw, with vinegar and spices)
Tropical fruit bar (for a delicious end to the day)
Coffee (two cups in the morning – each with two espresso shots, each with one packet of Sweet N Low and 1 T (?) of non-dairy creamer (I add this in a dumping motion, so I’m not exactly sure how much I use))
Water (four large bottles of ice water throughout the day)
Diet Coke (as an afternoon treat)
Iced tea (with dinner)
You can "oink" at me now if you'd like ... I feel like I deserve it.


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